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The basics of healthful salt inhalation: Dry Salt Aerosol:
Microsalt is a revolutionary dry salt aerosol treatment which can benefit your health without medication and without side effects. Regular exposure to a dry salt aerosol environment has a verifiably positive effect on the health and wellbeing of your lungs, upper airways and skin. It also strengthens your immune system, making you less susceptible to complaints such as allergies, sinusitis, colds, flu, laryngitis etc. Microsalt has launched dry salt aerosol therapy as the worthy successor of halotherapy. This is a form of inhalation treatment which has been practiced in Eastern Europe for decades, in rooms filled with salt crystals.

One procedure, many advantages. The Microsalt Concept:
A stiff breeze blows in your face, water splashes around your feet. The taste of salt on your lips. A visit to the seaside simply feels good. Not just for the soul, but especially the airways. That is why the Microsalt application is particularly useful for people with respiratory disorders. With its invisible grinding technology, Microsalt SaltProX generates a particularly fine salt aerosol of the highest quality, which then spreads in the entire cabin. The application of Microsalt results in an in-depth cleaning of the airways right down to the finest alveoli as well as the cleansing and revitalization of the skin. Regular inhalations can also support the immune system.

Microsalt is especially recommended for hay fever, asthma, bronchitis, cystic fibrosis or chronic lung diseases. Microsalt is also suitable for people frequently suffering from colds or struggling with sinusitis, as well as for people with skin diseases, sleep disorders or depressions.

Sophisticated technology leads to an easy salt inhalation:
With its invisible grinding technology, Microsalt SaltProX generates a particularly fine salt aerosol of the highest quality, which then spreads in the entire cabin. Because of the friction of the individual salt crystals, these are crushed to a very fine powder and also get negatively charged (triboelectric effect). The resulting ionisation of individual salt particles boosts the distribution in the room and thus also the cleaning of the air, that is constantly in touch with the airways and the skin. When inhaling, these fine salt particles – unlike with conventional salt applications – spread across the entire respiratory system, from the nose, the sinuses, the throat to the extreme lung areas, and can have an expectorant effect here.