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Cementing a New Style: The new smooth concrete collection in porcelain stoneware.
The power of concrete lies in the fact that it is a neutral, exceptionally versatile furnishing material, and in its ability to embody the whole material identity of the ceramic product, transforming it into a container able to bring out the very best in all types of finishes and furnishing elements. Mirage has fully exploited this characteristic feature of spattled cement, coming up with a light, delicate collection with clean-cut, yet profound textures reminiscent of the material in its most typically original guise, enhanced by a careful selection of subtle details.
Six neutral shades, ranging from white to anthracite, as well as a series of cold and warm grey nuances that combine attractively both with each other and with the materials featured in other Mirage collections to highlight the variety of furnishing and design solutions available.
- Sizes: Natural: 15 x 60 | 30 x 60 | 30 x 30 | 60 x 60 | 90 x 90 | 60 x 120 | 120 x 120 | 120 x 240 | 160 x 160 | 160 x 320
- Finishes: Natural | Structured | Structured 20mm
Варианты цвета
Clear GC01
Perfect GC02
Ideal GC03
Type GC04
Classic GC05
Absolute GC06
Sugar GC07
Chamois GC08
Toffe GC09
Iron GC20
Corten GC21