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Manetti Gusmano & Figli

Terracotta tiles are the best of past and modern culture unified into a single product. It creates a link to the nature in the most conventional and beautiful way possible. Over the years terracotta has been found to have various benefits both for the sustainability of architectural structural and subsequent effect in lifestyle.

In the furnaces of Manetti Gusmano & figli located in Ferrone, in the midst of the territory of Chianti (the town of Greve in Chianti), the company produces Cotto Fiorentino tiles and artisanal terracotta products of exceptional quality, in strict compliance with the ancient traditions of Impruneta. The experience acquired in three centuries of activity, combined with the uniqueness of their clay, result in a material with unique characteristics. The clay of Galestro present in the quarries of our furnaces is indeed an exclusive particularity of the territory of Chianti and it confers to the company's terracotta floors and products special qualities in terms of color, resistance, robustness and porosity.

The terracotta produced in the Manetti furnaces has always occupied a place of first order in the minds of the great architects of the world. The floors installed in the Uffizi Museum in Florence, the Hollywood Museum of Cinema in Los Angeles, and inside the Miami airport testify to the variety and versatility of the range of solutions offered by the Manetti furnaces. The company is also the official furnisher of tiles used for the restoration of Brunelleschi’s Dome in Florence. Their ancient craft has permitted them to mould the clay of Impruneta in wooden prints, in order to reconstruct the tiles of the eight “sails” of the Dome with painstaking manual labor.