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The sensation of suspension and absence of gravity is accentuated by the base of the bathtub, which has small dimensions compared to the volume that thus seems to float in the air. The base is in fact invisible and the basin of the tub appears to be suspended from the ground. This effect can be further accentuated with the use of a perimeter LED light that effectively cancels the support on the ground allowing the volume to "float" in the air.

A contemporary shape, guaranteed functionality, enveloping and generous dimensions, as well as customization, a key word in contemporary interior design. Sled is available in Flumood white resin or in Colormood in 10 colors from the antoniolupi range. Colors to express personality and style, colors that allow the bathtub to fit into the mood of the bathroom, to dialogue with the other elements of the space.

  • Dimensions: 180 x 85 x 53cm
Варианты цвета

  • White

  • Basalto

  • Argilla

  • Lichene

  • Falena

  • Delfino

  • Iceberg

  • Mamba

  • Ramerino

  • Smoke

  • Serena