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Dimezzo e Framezzo

A clear cut that “measures” the surface, a breach in the wall that tells a story, a trace that draws the space, a niche carved into the wall to house precious objects. Different interpretations, transversal readings, solutions that feed antoniolupi’s research on the three-dimensionality of surfaces.

Perfect geometrical shapes are found in Dimezzo and Framezzo. The first is a small open column that develops vertically over the entire height of the space, the second is a recessed wall shelf to be placed at the desired height to store accessories and means for daily well-being. From the surface to a third dimension playing on the chromatic contrast between the color of the wall and that of the background, to create real geometric backdrops that refer to the image of avant-garde abstract, to the cleanliness and rigor of contemporary design.

Aesthetics and functionality come together in these solutions that allow you to store useful objects without stealing precious centimeters from the environment and without protruding from the wall, hindering gestures and conditioning paths. Two precious compartments, two service elements to be placed strategically within the space, completing the range of accessories that allow you to experience the bathroom environment in maximum comfort.

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  • Skin Cenere