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It’s so wonderful to own your own pool. A tranquil place to relax and unwind, your own private spot for exercise and a place the whole family can have fun. Owning a pool is good for your health and your mental wellbeing, it’s certainly a great investment. Why take the time to travel to the beach, or have to swim with the crowds at the community pool when you can simply step into your own pool in your own back garden?


But before you can make your private pool dreams come true there are some choices to be made, one of the first steps you need to take is to decide what type of pool you’d like and which style would be best suited to your home and to your own specific needs.  There are 3 main types of pool, skimmer, infinity or vanishing edge, and overflow pools. Today we will compare vanishing edge pools with skimmer pools to help you decide which pool type would work best for you. Take notes and start planning ahead!


Vanishing Edge Pools

A vanishing edge pool is very striking, giving the illusion that the water has no boundaries. It’s particularly effective when the pool is sited overlooking a view or is positioned in an elevated site. The illusion is created by gently sloping the water level away from the pool creating a waterfall into a catch pool which is then recirculated back into the main pool. The catch pool is hidden from view and so it appears as if the water is simply flowing to infinity.


Skimmer Pools

Skimmer pools are pools with edges that are higher than the water level. A skimmer pool design is classic, and it gives you so many options with regards to style and shape. Skimmer pools are very popular for home use due to the ideal blend of great aesthetics with affordability. The term ‘skimmer’ comes from the fact that when water is collected from the openings along the edge of the pool, it is sent to the pump via skimmers.


Making the best choice

While we can offer you advice and guidance as to which pool could be best suited to your property, it really is a case of personal choice and finding the perfect pool that looks great in your space, is functional for all the family, and fits into your budget. Here at EKA we are experts in pool building so whether you decide on a vanishing edge pool or skimmer pool, we can build your perfect pool that will bring you many years of happiness. Find out more by contacting us.

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