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Tiles have a massive impact on your spaces. There are so many different types and a huge variety of styles, you’ll have plenty to choose from and you will find the tiles that work perfectly for each space in your home. But is important to make the right decision. Make the wrong choice and it can be a time consuming and costly job to replace them, so get it right first time by following our guide to selecting just the right tiles for all your home spaces…



Ceramic tiles work well in bathrooms and you’ll find a wide range of sizes, styles, and colours available. If you are tiling your bathroom floor, be sure to pick tiles that are non-slip to avoid accidents if they get wet. Natural stone works well on a bathroom floor, tiles such as sandstone, granite or slate will all be non-slip and they’ll look stunning too. Natural tones work well in bathrooms, but a little colour can also add some interest, especially if you’re going for plain white tiles. Just be sure to pick a colour that you won’t get bored with, and if you’re planning to sell your home in the future, don’t pick anything too wild that might put off potential buyers.



Tiles in the kitchen need to be durable, so ceramic tiles work well here. For the floor, be sure to pick a hard-wearing tile and remember that this is a high traffic area. Pale coloured floor tiles might look stunning, but if you have a house full of children and pets, it could get very frustrating when your floor constantly looks dirty. A darker colour will be more forgiving and way more practical. You can also use certain ceramic tiles for surfaces and countertops in your kitchen!


The Living Room

Most types of tiles will work just fine in a living room, but you need to pick out a style that suits the space. Consider the size of the room, and the feel you’re going for. Marble can look spectacular, especially in a larger room, but if you’re wanting the room to feel cosy, terracotta tiles will bring a feeling of warmth to a room. Paler colour work best in smaller spaces if you want to room to feel more light and airy, and the opposite is also true. If your living room feels too stark because it’s a large room, a darker colour, perhaps a natural stone will bring the room in and make it feel more comfortable. A textured tile can work well in a small area.



In a warm climate, a tiled bedroom floor can help to keep the room cool. Larger tiles will work well here, and remember, if you’re planning to add rugs for a touch of comfort, be sure to pick colours that will work well together.



The hallways of your home have the highest level of foot traffic of the entire house. Anyone who has ever had a carpeted hallway will know that it soon shows signs of wear and tear, so tiles are the perfect option. Choose a tile that is very durable and pick a colour that won’t show the dirt too easily.


Exterior spaces

When it comes to your terrace or pool area, you’ll need tiles that are specifically for outdoor areas that will withstand anything the weather can throw at them and that are sturdy enough for both foot traffic and the weight of exterior furniture and other outdoor features. There are some stunning exterior floor tiles available and you’ll easily find some that will suit your own style.

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