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Whether you have a pool at your home, you take walks by the ocean or riverside, or you just take to the water on holiday, it’s so important that your children learn to swim, and here’s why…

1. Safety First

Perhaps the most important reason to ensure that your children know how to swim, is that it could save their life. Water is so attractive, but it can also be dangerous if you don’t know how to swim. A small child can easily get out of their depth, and sadly, many young children drown every year. A pool is a wonderful place as long as you keep you and your children safe. Never leave children unattended, and make sure they learn to swim at a young age.

2. It’s great exercise

Childhood obesity is a growing problem, but swimming is a great way to keep fit. While they are having fun in the pool, they’re getting that all important physical exercise that will keep them healthy. A love of swimming is great for encouraging a lifetime of healthy exercise.

3. It’s a brilliant confidence booster

Learning a new skill is always good for children as it gives them a big confidence boost when they’ve achieved something. Swimming is perfect for this, especially as swimming is a necessary skill throughout life. Whether it’s a pool party, a sunshine holiday or swimming lessons at school, if your child can already swim and is confident in the water, it will be a huge advantage to them.

4. It can help build social skills

Learning to swim, listening to an instructor and taking part in a class is great for learning social skills. Once they’ve learnt to swim, going to the pool, or inviting friends over to your own home pool is a great way for kids to spend time together, to interact and have fun.

5. It’s great for co-ordination

Swimming is really good for improving co-ordination, a skill that can be transferred to many other aspects of life. Studies have shown that children who swim regularly in early childhood are better at delicate tasks such as colouring in and cutting out shapes.

A home pool is the perfect setting

While you can send your children off to a local pool to learn to swim, they would certainly benefit more from a pool at home, so they can practice their new skills more regularly. To find out more about building a pool in your garden visit out website or download our informative ebook “The Ultimate Pool Guide”.

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