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When you’re designing your new bathroom, the focus is often on the style of the suite, the colour of the tiles and the layout of the room itself. The taps are usually an after thought, decided on quickly, perhaps at the point of purchase of your bathroom suite. However, the taps are so important, they really shouldn’t be overlooked. Spend time researching the right taps for your new bathroom and you can really enhance the overall look and avoid making a costly mistake. Here are some tips to help you pick out the perfect taps for your new bathroom…

Match the tap style to the style of the bathroom

It’s tempting just to pick taps you like the look of, but will they match the room and the suite you’ve chosen? A modern tap will not look right on a Victorian style bath, and an ornate vintage tap won’t suit the clean lines of an ultra-modern contemporary suite.

Check out all the different types of taps

There are so many different taps out there, take your time to look at all the different options. You may spot something that would be perfect for you that you hadn’t previously seen. Do you want a mixer tap or two separate taps? Think about looks, but consider what is most practical for you too.

Choose a size that looks in proportion

Size is important, looking at images can sometimes be deceptive when it comes to size, so be sure to check the measurements. If you have a large statement bath in the centre of the room, then an oversized tap could be a real feature, but put that same tap on a small bathtub and it could look ridiculous.

Ensure your taps work for your water pressure

Some taps require a high water pressure to work well. Make sure you know the pressure of your water and check that the tap you’re buying is suitable for your system.

Think about the finish

It’s nice to match your bathroom accessories, such as towel rail and toilet roll holder to the finish of the taps. But give this some thought. You may love the idea of bright golden taps, but would you also want a lot of gold accessories around the room?

Seek advice

If you’re in any doubt about choosing the right type of tap, or indeed the perfect bathroom, ask a professional for their opinion. Here at EKA we are always on hand to guide you on your journey to the bathroom of your dreams, just drop us a line and we’ll be in touch soo!

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