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A pool is a big investment and once built, it’s not easily changed. So you do need to put plenty of thought into both how you’re going to use the pool, both now and in the future, and how it’s going to look in your own backyard. There are several pool shapes you can choose from, so here are some things to think about when considering which you’re going to go for…

A Rectangular Pool

A classic rectangular pool is great if you’re keen to use your pool for exercise as it’s ideal for swimming lengths in. If your garden is long and narrow, this shape is likely to be the best fit, to give you the largest pool size possible. However, a rectangular pool can be more expensive to build than other shapes as it has a large perimeter. It may be the clean lines you’re looking for, but if you’re looking for a pool that’s more shapely, perhaps look at other designs.

A Kidney Shaped Pool

The kidney shaped pool was very popular back in the 60s, but it still has a great aesthetic appeal today. The curves of a kidney pool give it a more relaxed look than a rectangular pool, and if you have young children, the clear division between the shallow part and the deeper end is clearly obvious, so everyone will know where it’s safest to play. As long as your kidney pool is big enough, it should still be suitable for swimming lengths in, and the indentation in the middle is a great spot to add a feature such as planters, a bench or sun loungers.

An L-Shaped Pool

An L-shaped pool gives you a very clear division between the shallow area and the deep end. If you want a pool to relax in, but also with a deep zone for diving, an L Shaped pool is perfect. However, you do need a decent sized garden to accommodate this pool shape.

A Free Form Pool

Of course, you can have a pool any shape you like, so if you have an odd shaped garden, don’t despair, a pool can be made to perfectly fit. A free form pool gives you the opportunity to incorporate seating areas and landscaping into your pool area. If your house overlooks the pool, then this could be a really important factor.

Find out more

To find out more about choosing the right pool for you, visit our website or download our free e-book “The Ultimate Pool Guide”.

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