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If you’ve had thoughts about installing a pool, it’s likely you won’t think much about it until the weather becomes warmer, but planning your pool over winter really is the most sensible way forward and here’s why…

You’ll be able to make the most of it

If you begin with your pool project in the summer months, you’ll spend much of the good weather being unable to use it as it won’t be ready. If you have your pool built over winter, it will be all set for you to use as soon as the sun begins to shine. You’ll also have plenty of time to add in those extra such as potted plants and sun loungers.

Avoiding the rush

So many people decide to have a pool built in summer, you could have trouble finding a company to build it for you, and you may end up on a waiting list. When you opt to begin your pool build over the winter months, you’ll find most builders will have greater availability.

It gives you the chance to perfect your plans

A pool is a large purchase and it’s something you won’t be replacing in a hurry. So it’s very important to get it right from the start. When you begin your pool building plans early, you won’t feel rushed to have it ready to ensure you can use it this season. That gives you plenty of time to do your research properly and have a really good think about your requirements with regards to size, location and design.

If the project takes longer you won’t miss out

Occasionally, a pool build can hit a problem that may take a little extra time to overcome to ensure you get the end result you want, the perfect pool of your dreams. When you begin your project with plenty of time to go before the warm weather hits, you won’t feel as if you’re missing out if you need to wait a little longer than expected.

Get the ball rolling now

So there’s never been a better time of year to begin putting your pool plans in place. Here at EKA we are experts in every aspect of pool design, planning and building. To discuss your needs, please call us or drop us a line and we’ll be very happy to answer any questions you may have. You can also download our free ebook in order to learn everything you know before setting up a pool.

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