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A new bathroom can be a big investment, but with careful planning you can have the bathroom of your dreams. Follow our 6 steps to achieving the bathroom that is just perfect for you and your family…

1. Pinpoint your needs

Think practically about everything your bathroom needs to do for you. Think about how many people will use the room. Is this going to be a purely functional room for a large family with children, or are you hoping to spend time luxuriating in your bathroom? Do you need extra storage? Does anyone have mobility problems that could impact the bathroom design? Is ease of cleaning your biggest priority? It’s also worth considering if you want the best bathroom for resale purposes. While you may love bright red tiles and a blue floor, perhaps this would put off any future buyers?

2. Set a budget

Work out a realistic budget early on in the process. Don’t forget to keep some of that budget aside for unforeseen problems that need to be fixed, or for those extra finishing touches.

3. Find the right professionals

Read reviews and ask for recommendations. A professional bathroom designer will have the expertise to help you realise the full potential of your bathroom, no matter how small.

4. Gather ideas

Gain inspiration wherever you can and save any images of bathrooms that you like. Think about materials, colours and finishes. Then think about the layout, it doesn’t always have to stay the same. Your bathroom designer will be able to tell you what is possible if you’d like the change the layout.

5. Get involved in the process

When you’re presented with plans, do check them carefully to ensure your ideas have been fully implemented and your designer has fully understood exactly what you’re asking of them.

6. Get the timing right

Make sure all your supplies are going to available when needed. There’s no point booking a tiler for two weeks time if your tiles are not going to arrive for a month! Additionally, having a bathroom installed can be disruptive for your household so try and arrange the work to be done when it’s most convenient for you and your family.

A fabulous new bathroom could be yours

A fresh and stylish new bathroom is a great investment that can transform your home. Could your house benefit from a bathroom redesign? If so, find out how we can help, just get in touch and let us know your requirements.

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