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When you’re having a pool built, it is pretty important to make sure you choose the right size pool for you and your family because making it bigger or smaller later down the line is going to be an enormous job! You have to get it right first time, so you need to think about your requirements now, and in the future, to make sure you have the pool that’s just the right size for all your needs for many years to come.

Here are some points to consider when you’re planning your fabulous new pool…

What will your pool be used for?

If you plan to use your pool to splash about in and cool off on a hot summer’s day, then you won’t need a huge pool, but if you’re planning on using your pool for some serious exercise, swimming lots of lengths on a regular basis, then your pool size will need to be larger.

How many people will be using the pool?

The size of your family will also determine the size of pool you need. You also need to bear in mind how often you’ll be inviting other people to use the pool. If you’re regularly going to be having pool parties for friends, or extended family, you’ll need a decent sized pool. Of course not everyone will be in the pool at once, but you’ll need enough seating space around the pool too if you’re having larger gatherings.

Consider the future

You may be a couple, thinking about a small pool for some daily exercise, but think about the future. You could have your pool for decades. Will your family change and therefore the requirements of your pool? If in a couple of years time you have children, you may regret not getting a larger pool, or a pool with a shallow end that youngsters can safely stand up in.

How much of your garden are you willing to give up to your pool?

Do consider how much garden space you want to remain. Do you need some extra space for a swing set, a garden shed or a large trampoline. It can be tempting to get the biggest pool you can possibly fit into the space you have, but this might not always be the best option. Also give some thought to the pool area itself. Will you want a large seating area around your pool? Perhaps you will want to have a summer house or a BBQ area by the pool side.

Discuss your requirements with your pool designers

Once you know your requirements, you can make sure your pool designers fully understand your needs and they will be able to advise you on the best sized pool for you and for your home. For even more ideas and tips for your new pool, why not download our free ebook The Ultimate Pool Guide? This comprehensive guide tells you everything you need to know about having a pool built at your home. If you have any questions then do get in touch via our website.

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