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Thinking about having a pool installed? Before you do, check out these new design trends, it might inspire you to create something really special and give you ideas you might not have thought about before.

Colour themed infinity pools.

If your proposed pool area has a nice outlook, making the most of it with an infinity pool is a great idea. The new trend is to take this one step further and match the colour of your pool with the view, so if your pool overlooks a grassy hillside or lush gardens, go for a green shade. If you have a sea view, or panoramic sky views, then opt for blue. This really creates a great look when you can barely tell where the pool ends and nature begins!

Higher level pools.

The first thought you’ll have when you’re looking for the perfect location for your pool will be your garden, but construction techniques in the pool industry have advanced massively over the last few decades and so these days, just about anything is possible! Think outside the box and consider an elevated position for your pool. Atop an outbuilding, or even on the roof of your house. It’s a great way to get a better view from your pool!

Add in smart features.

Home smart technology is booming, so it’s no surprise that these technologies are now spreading to our pools. You can add another dimension to your pool with lighting and music, and make life easier with automatic pool cleaning and temperature control. You could set the temperature and create a pool playlist on your smart phone while on your commute home from work!

Integrate your home and your pool.

Why have your pool at the end of your garden, when you can make it part of your home? Wouldn’t it be lovely to step out of your bedroom or lounge straight into the pool? By simply accessing your pool through sliding glass doors from your most used rooms, you can enjoy your pool more easily, and appreciate the beauty of your pool from inside too.

Gather your ideas!

A pool is a long term investment, so you want it to be perfect for your needs. Get lots of inspiration and ideas and really think about what you want from your pool. We are very happy to help you with your decisions so do get in touch if you’d like to know more about having a pool built at your home.

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