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With the sun shining, it’s time to make the most of your swimming pool. Of course, there’s a lot of fun to be had just swimming and playing in your pool, but here are some ideas to really do more with your pool this summer.

Have a pool movie night.

You don’t need to choose between spending the evening round the pool, or watching a movie, you can do both! A projector is a great investment if you have a pool and adds an extra dimension to your pool parties. A simple white sheet pinned to a wall by your pool will work well. You can watch films while you relax on the water, or how about showing some music videos to really add to the party atmosphere?

Go hunting for real underwater treasure.

A great way to get the kids exercising and improving their confidence in the water is to get them diving down to retrieve things from the bottom of the pool. Coins work well, kids love to collect their real treasure and see who manages to get the most!

Have a diving contest.

If you’ve got friends round, have everyone show off their best dive moves and give scores. You could have a prize for the silliest dive too!

Make the party last longer with a fire pit.

There’s something magical about sitting around a fire pit. It’s also a great way to keep the pool party going longer after the sun starts to set and the temperature starts to go down. Sit around your fire pit and keep cosy, you could tell some spooky stories to create an atmosphere of mystery! Feeling hungry? Then why not barbecue some sausages or other treats over your fire pit?

Take time to relax at the pool with a book.

Most of us spend so much time watching the kids in the pool and generally being busy, it’s lovely to just take a little time for ourselves and what better way to do that, to de-stress from a hard day, than by escaping into the pages of a good book. Sit with your feet cooling in the pool, or perhaps relax on a floating bed. Just be sure not to drop your book in the water!

Have the best pool party ever!

How many times do you have a nice time around the pool and think you really must throw a big party? Then how many times does it get forgotten? This time, do it! While the weather is beautiful, get the invitations out, and have a party with style! Get some great food in, perhaps have a singer or a DJ. Make sure you’ve got lots of fun inflatables for the pool too.

Sounds good but you don’t have a pool?

Pools are so much fun and it’s a great way to get some exercise without having to leave your own home, in total privacy. Swimming is a such a great skill to teach your children, so if you’ve always wanted a pool but don’t have one yet, perhaps now is the time to look into it? If you’d like to know more about having a pool constructed, check out our website or get in touch for further information.

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