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XLight Premium

Porcelain tile consisting of highly-compacted natural minerals that provide maximum strength and zero porosity. With the 154 × 328 cm enormous format, the use range is expanded for all types of creations such as countertops, sinks, and other volumes.

You can match, combine or give continuity with all XLIGHT collections in 6mm thick on unlimited applications such as wall, floor and furniture coverings among others.

  • Sizes: 154 × 328 | 120 x 250 | 120 x 120
  • Thickness: 12mm | 6mm
  • Finishes: Natural | Polished
Color Options

  • Lush White

  • Moon White

  • Aged Clay

  • Nylo Black

  • Kala White

  • Porto Grey

  • Savage Dark

  • Aged Dark