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Lively and unmistakable:
Tiles for living spaces – private living, gastronomy & hotels or public buildings in which the focus is on well-being. Rooms in which one likes to spend time. LIKE is a tile collection that is made to create a perfect whole in combination with other materials. The look is discreetly lively – fine irregularities give the tiles their unmistakable character and bring out each of the 5 colors perfectly. Whether mosaic or large format, the LIKE series always unfolds its full charm – both in the room and on the terrace.

  • Sizes: 30 x 60 | 60 x 60 | 80 x 80 | 120 x 120 | Mosaics
  • Finishes: Natural
Color Options

  • Graphite

  • Ash Grey

  • Cement

  • Warm Grey

  • Off White